Aikido Friendship Seminar 14-15 june 2025
Richard van Berkum, 5th Dan
Filip Schuerbeke, 4th Dan
Thomas Schönherr, 3rd Dan
The training will take place in Sports Center Puyenbroeck Puidonkdreef 1, 9185 Lochristi Belgium – The place is near to Gent
Saturday June 14th
11.00-13.00 and 14.00-17.00 classes
13.00-14.00 lunch
Sunday June 15th
10.00-13.00 classes
Seminar Fee.
The fee for Sat+Sun is € 40.-
(1 day is € 25.-)
This fee includes a simple lunch, fruitand drinks on Saturday and Sunday.
This is a residential seminar.
Location is the Sports Center Puyenbroeck, Puidonkdreef 1, 9185 Lochristi, Belgium.
The place is near to Gent.
People who want to participate residentially will be offered lunch, dinner, and a room on Saturday. On Sunday we offer breakfast and lunch.
We offer this complete package for 58 euros.
Please register by May 21st the latest.
You can also participate without any residential obligation (NOTE: Participants will have to provide their own food). The Sports Center only
offers food for people who take the complete package.
Participants must be adequately insured.
Bring own weapons.
For who?
For everyone.
For more information contact: Filip Schuerbeke at: