Registration Form: SEMINAR with Lewis B. De Quiros on 24-25-26 may 2024 in Brugge Belgium Registration For Seminar Lewis Name Address Email Your Dojo Questions or Remarks Subscription for Seminar Seminar on friday evening = €20 Seminar on saturday = €60 Half day seminar on saturday = €35 Seminar on sunday morning = €30 Full Seminar (friday, saturday, sunday) = €100 Accommodation 2 or 3 persons in a room or if you prefer a room for 1 person please choose Sleep on friday = €35 I prefer to sleep alone on friday = €45 Sleep on saturday = €35 I prefer to sleep alone on saturday = €45 Sleep on sunday = €35 I prefer to sleep alone on sunday = €45 Breakfast and Lunch Breakfast on saturday = €11 Breakfast on sunday = €11 Lunch, 2 drinks included at noon on saturday = €25 I prefer a vegetarian lunch on saturday Lunch at noon on sunday = €13 I prefer a vegetarian lunch on sunday Dinner I go to the restaurant in Bruges on friday evening I prefer a vegetarian dinner on friday Belgian dinner, 2 drinks included on saturday evening = €30 I prefer a vegetarian dinner on saturday Party Party, drinks & tidbits on saturday = €15 Total amount: Total amount if you pay BEFORE the 1st of January: Registration is only valid after payment. Ichi Rei Aiki-Dojo - IBAN BE 67 7370 3851 3487 - BIC KRED BE BB Registrations for accomodation will close within. Days Hours Minutes Seconds registration for accomodation is closed ! This seminar starts within: Days Hours Minutes Seconds Seminar has started 430